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Suzanne Mooney: Shatter, Scatter 4.10.-3.11.2024

Suzanne Mooney: Shatter, Scatter 4.10.-3.11.2024 Opening on Thrusday 3rd October 5pm-7pm! Guided tour on Sunday, 13th October 1pm.   “An intact window is interesting mainly for its transparency. But when the window breaks, what intrigues us is the brittleness that was there all along” [1]   The exhibition explores the material of glass in relation […]

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Turun Taiteilijaseuran 101. vuosinäyttelyn TEOSHAKU, DL 22.9.2024

Turun Taiteilijaseuran näyttelyvuoden 2025 avaa taiteilijaseuran 101. vuosinäyttely Turun Taidehallin Iso Galleriassa 10.1.–23.2.2025. Kaikki Varsinais-Suomessa asuvat taiteilijat ja taideopiskelijat voivat ehdottaa teoksiaan vuosinäyttelyyn. Vuosinäyttelyn kuratoi kuvanveistäjä Maria Stereo. Hänet tunnetaan runsaan koristeellista visuaalisuutta ja kierrätysmateriaaleja oivaltavasti hyödyntävänä kuvataiteilijana. Stereo on toiminut kuvataiteen kentällä aktiivisena 2010-luvun alusta alkaen. Näyttelyiden kuratointi toteutetaan anonyymisti. Vuosinäyttelyn kuraattori valitsee vuosinäyttelyn taiteilijoista […]

Aura Saarikoski: Grey Mélange 23.8.–22.9.2024

Aura Saarikoski: Grey Mélange 23.8.–22.9.2024 Opening on Thrusday 22nd August 5pm-7pm. Guided tour Sunday 15th September 1pm.   Aura Saarikoski’s exhibition Grey Mélange is an intimate exploration of the conditions and ethics of constructing an autofictional work; how one’s own life is framed as a work of art, from whose perspective the story is told, […]

Kaija Hinkula / Gardener / Iso Galleria – 5.7.- 25.8.2024

In Kaija Hinkula’s exhibition Gardener, colourful (nurtured?) painting objects and the gardener undefined actions are at the center of the whole. The works consist of sculptural paintings combined with objects used in the care of green plants, such as watering balls and spikes or parts of a mini greenhouse. The works cut out of board […]

Open Call for Exhibitions for 2025 at Photographic Centre Peri!

Application period: 16.5.–30.6.2024 Photographic Centre Peri is a non-profit organization for photography and lens-based contemporary art, and one of Finland’s eight national photography centers. Our goal is to promote photographic art, local and international collaboration as well as dialogue between photographers and audiences through exhibitions and workshops. Peri has two gallery spaces located in Kunsthalle […]

eero nives – nak nak zing | 17.5.-20.6.2024 | iso galleria

The exhibition Nak Nak Zing presents recent sculptures and reliefs by Eero Nives, combining an intuitive material focus with traditional wood sculpture techniques. Nives explores universal humane themes in his art by interpreting the symbolic wedging, entangling and friction of life. Eero Nives (b.1984) is a Turku-based visual artist specialising in sculpture: “The name of the […]