Tero Puha: The Mirror That Lived 15.11. – 15.12.2024
Opening on Thrusday November 14th 5pm-7pm!
Guided tour on Sunday December 1st 1pm.
The exhibition presents the figure of a man as both strong and sensitive, a being who reflects another person. He looks at another man, but at…

Inari Raaterova: Disorder / Iso Galleria / 8.11.-8.12.2024
In November, Inari Raaterova's autobiographical solo exhibition Disorder will open in Turku Kunstahalles Iso Gallery. The exhibition, which uses printmaking and drawing, travels loosely the chronicles of the artist's life focusing on their years…

Suzanne Mooney: Shatter, Scatter 4.10.-3.11.2024
Suzanne Mooney: Shatter, Scatter 4.10.-3.11.2024
Opening on Thrusday 3rd October 5pm-7pm!
Guided tour on Sunday, 13th October 1pm.
“An intact window is interesting mainly for its transparency. But when the window breaks,…

Aura Saarikoski: Grey Mélange 23.8.–22.9.2024
Aura Saarikoski: Grey Mélange 23.8.–22.9.2024
Opening on Thrusday 22nd August 5pm-7pm.
Guided tour Sunday 15th September 1pm.
Aura Saarikoski's exhibition Grey Mélange is an intimate exploration of the conditions and ethics…

Sirkku Ketola: Vītālis ∼ luminous oval / Iso Galleria / 6.9.-27.10.2024
Vītālis ∼ luminous oval, is a spatial visual delight bursting with vitality, fire and whispering, where repetition and interludes rhythmically intertwine. A stream of serigraphy twists the core and invites other forms of artistic representation…

Yuxuan Cui: Puppet Manchukuo – Echoes in the Layers of Time 12.7. – 15.8.2024
Welcome to the opening on 11.7.2024 from 5pm-7pm!
Guided tour on Thursday 15th June 6pm and 8pm.
In early 2020, amidst the urban landscape of Changchun, once the capital of "Manchukuo," (Manchukuo, Japanese puppet state in Northeast…

Kaija Hinkula / Gardener / Iso Galleria – 5.7.- 25.8.2024
In Kaija Hinkula’s exhibition Gardener, colourful (nurtured?) painting objects and the gardener undefined actions are at the center of the whole. The works consist of sculptural paintings combined with objects used in the care of green plants,…

X-mas Art Fair / Iso Galleria / 13.12. – 20.12.2024
Turun Taidelainaamon upea ja värikäs X-mas Art Fair valtaa Turun Taidehallin Iso Gallerian 13.–20.12.2024! ✨
Tapahtumaviikon ajaksi lainaamon yläkerrassa sijaitseva Iso Galleria muuntautuu tunnelmalliseksi joulugalleriaksi, jossa pääset…

August Joensalo: The water flows through us 24.5. – 30.6.2024
Welcome to the opening on 23.5.2024 from 5pm-7pm!
Guided tour on Saturday 15th June 1pm.
It's a little bit magic
Like a river of morning geese
In the new warm mountain
Where the stone face forms and speaks
I believe…

Sebastian Reis: Residue 12.4.-12.5.2024
Welcome to the opening on 11.4.2024 from 5pm-7pm.
Guided tour on Sunday 28th April 1pm.
Sebastian Reis’ exhibition Residue at Photographic Centre Peri ponders history and its presence in our daily lives, where everything around us…