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Sanni Saarinen / Juuret, 20.6. – 28.7.2019

Juuret on syntynyt kaipuusta löytää paikka, johon kuulua. Ryhdyin kuvaamaan sarjaa vuonna 2015 palattuani Suomeen kymmenen ulkomailla asutun vuoden jälkeen. Pian paluuni jälkeen syntyi tyttäreni. Perheemme on viettänyt yhä osan vuodesta puolisoni kotimaassa Espanjassa. Äitiys, paluumuutto ja elämä kahden kulttuurin välillä saivat minut miettimään kodin, kuulumisen, irrallisuuden ja laajemmin identiteetin kysymyksiä. Viime kädessä ne liittyvät […]

Elis Hannikainen / Who Feels Supported Here, 24.5. – 14.6.2019

Elis Hannikainen: Who Feels Supported Here Audio installation In his installation “Who Feels Supported Here”, Elis Hannikainen explores alternative means of providing support and reinforcement. Support and reinforcement can be improvised, fragile, spontaneous or queer and it can also fail. The exploration starts with the support that is closest to the body. Actress Elena Schmidt […]

Tinja Ruusuvuori & Emilia Rüf / Logbook, 24.5. – 16.6.2019

Emilia Rüf and Tinja Ruusuvuori: Logbook Where people’s movement is restricted, goods travel more freely than ever. Karaoke blares from the bowels of an enormous freighter. A logbook of longing and seafarers’ sympathy towards migrants. We filmed seafarers at a sailors’ club in Hamburg, on board a freighter in the Mediterranean and in the city […]

Aleksi Matikainen / Paintings, 24.5. – 16.6.2019

Aleksi Matikainen: Paintings   The exhibition consists of oil paintings created between 2017 and 2019. Painted with oils on canvas, the pieces explore strangeness and forgetting, acting as observations of the experience of otherness in our time. In my work, strangeness and forgetting is reflected as distortions external to human figures. The images of forgetting […]

Antti Pussinen / Lissajous Black & White, 29.3. – 21.4.2019

Antti Pussinen: Lissajous Black & White, frequency pictures of sound In mathematics and physics, Lissajous curves are graphs that depict oscillation and waves and compare the frequency and intensity of two waves. In a vacuum, energy travels as electromagnetic waves, as oscillating electric and magnetic fields. The combined, reflective and other effects of these energies […]

Jenni Haili / On Seeing, PIENI GALLERIA, 29.3. – 21.4.2019

PIENI GALLERIA 29.3.–21.4. Jenni Haili / On Seeing Jenni Haili: On Seeing is a darkroom-type installation that explores seeing and being seen in society. While our experience of the world is extremely visualised, we are more and more likely to dismiss people, issues and events if they are not directly connected to our own lives. When […]

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Exhibition programme 2019

EXHIBITION PROGRAMME 2019 2.–24.2. MAAN OIKEUS / EARTH RIGHTS curated by Taru Elfving 1.–24.3. Hans-Peter Schütt & Maja Breife / Sen pituinen se {TES} / Yhteys Sanni Weckman / Läsnä 29.3.–21.4. Antti Pussinen / Lissajous Black & White Jenni Haili / Näkemisestä – On Seeing Satu-Minna Suorajärvi / Yksityiskohtien katoamisesta 26.4.–19.5. NYTT 2019 – Fine Arts […]