
Essi Maaria Orpana / Such is the Silence, 13.11. – 20.12.2020

Such is the Silence is a spatially designed collection of photographic pieces, video and discovered objects. The combination of these three elements creates a story-like installation in the gallery of Kunsthalle Turku. Each part is in dialogue…

Riikka Gröndahl/ Absent Referent, 9.10. – 8.11.2020

The video installation Absent Referent (2018) by Riikka Gröndahl consists of two sets of video footage: a microsurgery class with rats, and people watching the class. The piece explores people’s relationship with other animals in a specific…

Hannu Karjalainen / Daemon, 17.1. – 16.2.2020

Daemon (Greek: daimon, guardian spirit) is the most recent series of artwork by Hannu Karjalainen, making its debut at Kunsthalle Turku. The series stems from reflections on the future of humankind and its relationship with nature.  Karjalainen’s…