Turun Taidehalli on avoinna keskiviikosta lauantaihin klo 12–18 ja sunnuntaisin klo 12–16. Tänä vuonna olemme suljettuna seuraavasti: Perjantai-maanantai 2.-5.4.2021 (Pääsiäinen): suljettu Lauantai 1.5.2021 (vapunpäivä): suljettu Torstai…


EXHIBITION PROGRAMME 2021 8.1. – 7.2. Iso galleria: Noora Nio-Juss / Katoava läsnäolo Pieni galleria: David Keeler-Steinberg / Ouroboros Aulagalleria: Artoteque Pique Nique 12.2. – 14.3.  Iso galleria: Jussi Eerola & Martti…

Anna Aho on Turun Taiteilijaseuran vuoden taiteilija 2020

  Turun Taiteilijaseuran vuoden taiteilijaksi 2020 on valittu Anna Aho. Ahon teokset yhdistelevät maalausta ja muita tekniikoita. Vuoden taiteilija valittiin tällä kertaa poikkeuksellisesti yleisöäänestyksellä Turun Taiteilijaseuran…
Miia Panula

Art for ten

Kunsthalle Turku and Turku Artotheque are open to the public Wed through Sat 12-18 and Sun 12-16. In compliance with the new safety regulations, the number of people inside the building is restricted to 10 people at a time. In our effort…

Changes in Sunday’s opening hours and exceptions in opening hours 2020

Starting from November 1, 2020, Kunsthalle Turku is open Wednesday through Saturday 12-6pm and Sunday 12-4pm. Kunsthalle Turku will be closed on the following days: Sat, 31 October (All Saints’ Day) Sun, 6 December (Independence Day) 21…

Instructions for a safe gallery visit 2021

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, special attention will be paid to the safety of the visitors, artists and the staff. The number of visitors will be limited, if necessary. We are holding opening ceremonies for the public for now. However: Please…

Riikka Gröndahl: Silent Video Portraits, workshop 10.10.2020

Silent Video Portraits Saturday October 10th 2020 From 1 to 3pm Video portrait shoot open for anyone. There will be a tour of Riikka Gröndahl's exhibition "Absent Referent" in Kunsthalle Turku. Artist will make video portraits of…
Olga Spyropoulou & Katriina Kettunen: To Organise Our Disappointments

Olga Spyropoulou & Katriina Kettunen: To Organise Our Disappointments Sunday 6.9.2020 at 12.30

New Performance Turku Festival presents: Olga Spyropoulou & Katriina Kettunen / To Organise Our Disappointments, on Sunday 6/9 at 12.30pm, Kunsthalle Turku To organise our disappointments is a joyride into failing. In this participatory…

Jodo – Silence of Movement, performance on September 12, 2020

Jodo - Silence of Movement Saturday 12/9/2020 at 12-1pm Kunsthalle Turku, aulagalleria Please note that the number of participants will be limited and pre-registration is required. Sign up by emailing mari@marimakio.com. The performance is…