Application period: 16.5.–30.6.2024

Photographic Centre Peri is a non-profit organization for photography and lens-based contemporary art, and one of Finland’s eight national photography centers. Our goal is to promote photographic art, local and international collaboration as well as dialogue between photographers and audiences through exhibitions and workshops.

Peri has two gallery spaces located in Kunsthalle Turku, and we are now looking for exhibition proposals for Peri’s 2025 program. The open call is aimed for artists, collectives and curators working professionally in the fields of photography and lense-based contemporary art. We especially want to highlight the work of under-represented artists and exhibit topics that have not been covered in the Finnish art scene.

The exhibition space is free of charge, and Peri pays the exhibitor a fee.

Peri’s exhibitions for 2025 will be selected by a jury: photographer Utu-Tuuli Jussila, artist Hertta Kiiski, curator Orlan Ohtonen, and visual artist and art educator Annaleena Telasmaa.

There are a total of seven exhibition slots available, and each is approximately four weeks long. To apply, please submit your exhibition proposal with work samples (PDF, max. 50 MB ) and resume through the online form.

Please submit your proposal no later than Sunday, June 30th, 2024 at 11:59 PM (UTC+3). Late submissions will not be considered. We will inform all those who have submitted an exhibition proposal during August 2024 about the exhibition selections.

More information and application form on Photographic Centre Peri’s website.