
Kaija Hinkula / Gardener / Iso Galleria – 5.7.- 25.8.2024
In Kaija Hinkula’s exhibition Gardener, colourful (nurtured?) painting objects and the gardener undefined actions are at the center of the whole. The works consist of sculptural paintings combined with objects used in the care of green plants,…

The selected artists for Iso Galleria
The Turku Kunsthalle Open Call that was open for all professional visual artists ended in June, and by the deadline it received nearly 200 applications.
According to the exhibition committee, this year the emphasis on the proposals centered…

Iso Gallerian näyttelyohjelmisto 2023-2024
13.1.–26.2. Turun Taiteilijaseuran 99. vuosinäyttely
10.3.–23.4. NYTT 2023 - Turun Taideakatemiasta valmistuvien näyttely
5.5.–23.6. Aaro Murphy
7.7.–27.8. Jarkko Rantanen
8.9.–29.10. Inka Nieminen