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Essi Maaria Orpana / Such is the Silence, 13.11. – 20.12.2020

Such is the Silence is a spatially designed collection of photographic pieces, video and discovered objects. The combination of these three elements creates a story-like installation in the gallery of Kunsthalle Turku. Each part is in dialogue with the others in a story subtly navigating the borderline of reality. Essi Maaria Orpana poses for and […]

Näyttelyt Turun Taidehallissa 13.11.–20.12.2020: Essi Maaria Orpana / Such is the Silence, Turun Taiteilijaseura / Talvisalonki 2020, Turun Taidelainaamo / X-mas Art Fair

TIEDOTE 6.11.2020 Näyttelyt Turun Taidehallissa 13.11.–20.12.2020 Turun Taidehallin loppuvuoden näyttelytarjonta on runsas ja monimuotoinen: isossa galleriassa nähdään Essi Maaria Orpanan tarinallinen ja tilallinen installaatio Such is the Silence, ja pienessä galleriassa on esillä paikallisten ammattitaiteilijoiden lukuisia teoksia ja tekniikoita yhdistävä Talvisalonki 2020. Lisäksi aulagalleriaan levittäytyy Taidelainaamon edustamien taiteilijoiden myyntinäyttely X-mas Art Fair. Iso galleria: Essi Maaria […]

Turku Artoteque / X-mas Art Fair, 13.11. – 20.12.2020

Turku Artoteque extends into Aulagalleria with X-mas Art Fair sales exhibition! X-mas Art Fair presents personal and unique Christmas present ideas from the artists of Turku Artoteque. Turku Artoteque represents 140 artists and there are over 700 works of art in the Artoteque collection. The exhibition is open until December 20th and consists of paintings, […]

Changes in Sunday’s opening hours and exceptions in opening hours 2020

Starting from November 1, 2020, Kunsthalle Turku is open Wednesday through Saturday 12-6pm and Sunday 12-4pm. Kunsthalle Turku will be closed on the following days: Sat, 31 October (All Saints’ Day) Sun, 6 December (Independence Day) 21 December 2020 – 6 January 2021 Turku Artoteque will open the doors again on Thursday, 7 January 2021 […]

Artoteque Pique Nique, 9.10. – 8.11.2020

AULAGALLERIA: In October there is an opportunity to see the first Artoteque Pique Nique exhibition assembled from the collection of Turku Artoteque and curated by Anna Vuoria, the director of Photographic Centre Peri. The exhibition is open from Oct 9 to Nov 8. In 2021 there will be several Artoteque Pique Nique exhibitions curated by […]

Riikka Gröndahl/ Absent Referent, 9.10. – 8.11.2020

The video installation Absent Referent (2018) by Riikka Gröndahl consists of two sets of video footage: a microsurgery class with rats, and people watching the class. The piece explores people’s relationship with other animals in a specific scientific context as well as our manner of looking at images that feature institutional violence and care. Some […]

Instructions for a safe gallery visit 2021

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, special attention will be paid to the safety of the visitors, artists and the staff. The number of visitors will be limited, if necessary. We are holding opening ceremonies for the public for now. However: Please stay home if you’re feeling sick. When visiting us, please maintain good hand hygiene […]

Riikka Gröndahl: Silent Video Portraits, workshop 10.10.2020

Silent Video Portraits Saturday October 10th 2020 From 1 to 3pm Video portrait shoot open for anyone. There will be a tour of Riikka Gröndahl’s exhibition “Absent Referent” in Kunsthalle Turku. Artist will make video portraits of the participants pondering the themes of the exhibition. The exhibition examines the complicated relationship of humans and animals. We will reflect on the nature […]

Joel Niemisen valokuvanäyttely Turun Vanhalla Suurtorilla

Julkaistu 25.6.2020 Valokuvanäyttely Vanhalla Suurtorilla Joel Nieminen: Kuljemme Kehässä. Matkoja kotiin 2011-2021 Näyttelyaika: 3.7.-2.8.2020 Vanha Suurtori, Turku Turun Taidehalli esittää valokuvataiteilija Joel Niemisen näyttelyn “Kuljemme Kehässä. Matkoja kotiin 2011-2021” ulkoilmanäyttelynä Turun Vanhalla Suurtorilla. “Kuljemme Kehässä. Matkoja kotiin 2011-2021” on yhdeksän vuotta sitten alkanut, käynnissä oleva dokumentaarinen valokuvaprojekti, jonka aikana Joel Nieminen on kartoittanut kotimaansa elämää […]

Karoliina Paatos / Cowboy Girls, 4.9. – 4.10.2020

For the past nine years Karoliina Paatos has been following two girls growing up on a remote, family owned cattle ranch in Nevada. Home schooling, helping with ranch chores, riding, roping, and playing mostly by themselves, fills their days. On weekends they compete in junior rodeos. Calfs are born into the snow, dust is so […]