Antti Pussinen / Lissajous Black & White, 29.3. – 21.4.2019

Antti Pussinen: Lissajous Black & White, frequency pictures of sound In mathematics and physics, Lissajous curves are graphs that depict oscillation and waves and compare the frequency and intensity of two waves. In a vacuum, energy…

Satu-Minna Suorajärvi / The Loss of Small Details, 29.3. – 21.4.2019

Satu-Minna Suorajärvi: The Loss of Small Details The starting point for the exhibition was the 3D scanning of a 100-year-old house. The rooms and items were only partially recorded, leaving the 3D models full of holes. Still, it felt that…

Jenni Haili / On Seeing, PIENI GALLERIA, 29.3. – 21.4.2019

PIENI GALLERIA 29.3.–21.4. Jenni Haili / On Seeing Jenni Haili: On Seeing is a darkroom-type installation that explores seeing and being seen in society. While our experience of the world is extremely visualised, we are more…

MAAN OIKEUS, 2.2. – 24.2.2019

MAAN OIKEUS 2.–24.2.2019 Uusi Turun taidehalli kasvaa maaperälle, jossa kerrostuvat kaupunkilaiselämän ja teollisuuden, porvarillisen tapa- ja kulutuskulttuurin, hallinnon ja lain, kansainvälisen kaupan ja kolonialismin juuret ja jäljet.…
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Exhibition programme 2019

EXHIBITION PROGRAMME 2019 2.–24.2. MAAN OIKEUS / EARTH RIGHTS curated by Taru Elfving 1.–24.3. Hans-Peter Schütt & Maja Breife / Sen pituinen se {TES} / Yhteys Sanni Weckman / Läsnä 29.3.–21.4. Antti Pussinen / Lissajous…