Erkki Nampajärvi / Paintings, 6.5. – 4.6.2022

I work with tempera and oil painting as well as collage. My pieces are inspired by the encounters of the subconscious and the surrounding world. I don’t plan the pieces in advance; instead, I let them develop, layer by layer. I love surprises…

Elina Oikari, Yassine Khaled / If I Will Be You, 6.5. – 4.6.2022

The Large Gallery of Kunsthalle Turku presents two exhibitions that are separate yet linked with regard to themes and content. In his pieces, Yassine Khaled explores communication, digitalisation and the sense of belonging in various communities…
Auguries, 2022, image courtesy of the artists.

Kristoffer Ala-Ketola, AJ Fusco, Artor Jesus Inkerö & Valter Tornberg: Auguries, 2.9. – 2.10.2022

Using torches to light their path, paleolithic people traversed caves painted with a vast array of animal and humanoid figures. The interaction between the dancing flame and the structural formations of the walls made the images appear to move…

Suvi Sysi / Vessels 11.2. – 13.3.

I become interested in a simple clay shape and decide to repeat it and see where it takes me. The clay records the touch and the impressions of fingerprints. As I repeat the shape, its nature and behaviour reveal themselves. The slow repetition…

Henna Aho & Mia Saharla / Polyphonic compositions (at the grave of painting) 11.2. – 13.3.

The art of painting has laid itself to rest. We linger on the graves of painting; Julia Rommel’s SuperJumbo, Steven Parrino’s Untitled, Dianna Molzan’s Repetto and Angela de la Cruz’s Layers - Small (Ultramarine Blue / Light Blue) rest…

Leena Kela, 7.10. – 6.11.2022

Exhibited in the Small Gallery of Kunsthalle Turku, the ‘Rest of Us’ video trilogy by Leena Kela and videographer Jussi Virkkumaa captures performances exploring the time after humans. The series consists of the parts ‘There Is No Planet…

Perttu Saksa, 7.10. – 6.11.2022

We are living in a time where the environment is changing rapidly and disappearing into the past. Dawn Chorus explores the perception of nature, disappearance, sense of loss and melancholy. It delves into an intimate emotion that is easily ignored…

Sculpture as a Carbon Storage, 7.10 – 6.11.

Sculpture as a Carbon Storage is a collective work, an archive-like concept composed of sculptural elements made by 37 artists. The artists have used pieces of waste wood and reject timber intended to be used as fuel for the district heating…


The Winter Garden in the Lobby Gallery of the Kunsthalle consists of works from the selection of Turku Artoteque. The shades and themes of the exhibited works breathe in the winter season. A large number of sculptures have been selected for…