The 98th Annual Exhibition of Turku Artists’ Association, 15.7. – 28.8.2022
The 98th Annual Exhibition of Turku Artists’ Association 15 July – 28 August 2022
The 98th Annual Exhibition of Turku Artists’ Association will be presented at Kunsthalle Turku from 15 July – 28 August 2022.
The Annual Exhibition…
“There’s a non-existent peace in the uncertain quietness.”
“These words by Fernando Pessoa inspired us to search for pieces portraying sensitivity, freedom, hope, light and peace; something to make you stop and forget about the world…
Exhibition Programme 2022
8.1. – 6.2.
Big gallery: Anna Hillbom, Ann-Catrin Olsson & Isfrid Angard Siljehaug / I want to belong to the living
Little gallery: Mortti Saarnia / The Allergic Cowboy
Aula gallery: Winter Garden — Works from the Artoteque
Turun Taidehalli on Pyhäinpäivänä eli tämän viikon lauantaina kiinni. Myös Turun Taidelainaamo on kiinni.
Tervetuloa taas Taidehallille ja Taidelainaamoon sunnuntaina klo 12-16!
Sound of Alchemy Finissage – ISO GALLERIA
Welcome to the finissage of Rainer Paananen’s solo exhibition on Friday the 5th of November 2021 at 4:30 - 6 pm. During the evening Paananen will give a performance where the exhibted photographic work gets its definitive form through…
Ord och inga visor -projects exhibitions in Kunsthalle Turku 8.10.-7.11. and in Luckan 5.10.-7.11.2021
Exhibition in Kunsthalle Turku 8.10.-7.11.2021
In Photographic Centre PERIs library (2nd floor) in Kunsthalle Turku there will be an exhibition of photography and verbal art pieces that were made in the workshops of Ord och inga visor (Say…
Mikki Nordman / Enter : Pastoral, 3.9. – 3.10.2021
Enter : Pastoral is generated by artificial intelligence (AI). The body of work aims to question the position of the artist within the context of emerging technologies and the post-human condition. The art is generated by using public image…
Sami Lukkarinen & Roope Mokka / Unelma ihmisestä, 3.9. – 3.10.2021
Unelma ihmisestä (‘A Dream of People’) reveals how artificial intelligence sees you. This first co-exhibition of Sami Lukkarinen and Futurist Roope Mokka invites the visitor to reflect on their relationship with society through…
Turun päivä Turun Taidehallilla
Turun päivän viikonloppuna Turun Taidehallilta löytyy mm. Sara Ilveskorpin pop-up työpaja "Turun Idolit -villisavityöpaja" ja Turun Taidelainaamon Turku Art Corner.
Ensimmäisen kerroksen Aulagalleriasta löytyy Jonne Pitkäsen…
Pilvi Porkola’s Performance lecture at Kunsthalle Turku Friday 3.9.!
Performance lecture by Pilvi Porkola is looking into political imagination and utopias. How are survival and utopical thinking linked into each other?
Pilvi Porkola is a performance artist, writer and researcher. Currently she is working…