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Jussi Eerola & Martti Jämsä / WAIT AND SEE, 12.2. – 14.3.2021

Exhibited at Kunsthalle Turku for the first time, the two-channel video piece Obsidian Blue Pearl is an installation version of Jussi Eerola’s minimalistic short Blue Honda Civic that premiered at the International Film Festival Rotterdam in January 2020. The installation consists of landscapes seen through the windscreen of a car parked on the side of […]

The Open Call for 2022 exhibitions at Kunsthalle Turku is now open! Submition DL February 28th, 2021.

Turku Artists’ Association and Photographic Centre Peri are looking for proposals for the exhibition programme of Kunsthalle Turku. The organisers are particularly interested in new productions of contemporary and photographic art that have not been previously exhibited in Turku. The open call applies to any professional artists working with visual arts, photography or media. The […]


Turun Taidehalli on avoinna keskiviikosta lauantaihin klo 12–18 ja sunnuntaisin klo 12–16. Tänä vuonna olemme suljettuna seuraavasti: Perjantai-maanantai 2.-5.4.2021 (Pääsiäinen): suljettu Lauantai 1.5.2021 (vapunpäivä): suljettu Torstai 13.5.2021 (helatorstai): suljettu Sunnuntai 23.5.2021 (helluntai): suljettu Perjantai-sunnuntai 25.–27.6.2021 (juhannus): suljettu Lauantai 6.11.2021 (pyhäinpäivä): suljettu Maanantai 6.12.2021 (itsenäisyyspäivä): suljettu Joulu suljettu.



EXHIBITION PROGRAMME 2021 8.1. – 7.2. Iso galleria: Noora Nio-Juss / Katoava läsnäolo Pieni galleria: David Keeler-Steinberg / Ouroboros Aulagalleria: Artoteque Pique Nique 12.2. – 14.3.  Iso galleria: Jussi Eerola & Martti Jämsä / WAIT AND SEE Pieni galleria: Sofia Okkonen / Honey, please Aulagalleria: Ord Och Inga Visor / Hallå-hankkeen 3. näyttelykokonaisuus 19.3. – […]

Anna Aho on Turun Taiteilijaseuran vuoden taiteilija 2020

  Turun Taiteilijaseuran vuoden taiteilijaksi 2020 on valittu Anna Aho. Ahon teokset yhdistelevät maalausta ja muita tekniikoita. Vuoden taiteilija valittiin tällä kertaa poikkeuksellisesti yleisöäänestyksellä Turun Taiteilijaseuran vuosinäyttelyn taiteilijoista.   Anna Aho on maalari joka yhdistelee maalauksiinsa myös muita elementtejä, kuten erilaisia käsitöitä, kehyksiä, kipsistä tehtyjä osia, varjokuvia ja viime aikoina myös videota. Liikkuvalla kuvalla hän […]

Turku Artoteque / Artoteque Pique Nique 2, 8.1. – 7.2.2021

In January, the Lobby Gallery will showcase the second installment in the Artoteque Pique Nique series of exhibitions with pieces selected from the sales collection of Turku Artoteque. The exhibition will be put together by curator Mirjami Schuppert, the new Executive Director of Arte and Titanik Gallery. “Turku Artoteque’s abundant and overflowing collection captured my […]

David Steinberg / Ouroboros, 8.1. – 7.2.2021

Ouroboros, a term which refers to the intertwining makeup of the universe, sets the cosmos as a stage to locate the margins of our perceptual understanding. These images engage with materiality of objects and spaces to reveal a network, one that challenges a universal scientific ordering, and highlights the gap of unknowability. Utilizing visual cues […]

Noora Nio-Juss / Vanishing Presence, 8.1. – 7.2.2021

Noora Nio-Juss’ exhibition “Vanishing presence” at Kunsthalle Turku consists of woodcuts, three of which were made with this space in mind, as well as the 2018–2020 series “Decomposition”. Both the new, large woodcuts and the series explore the idea of fragile presence, isolation and longing. The artist’s concern over the state of the world and […]

Art for ten

Kunsthalle Turku and Turku Artotheque are open to the public Wed through Sat 12-18 and Sun 12-16. In compliance with the new safety regulations, the number of people inside the building is restricted to 10 people at a time. In our effort to help prevent the spread of corona virus, we also request that you […]

Turku Artists’ Association / Winter Salon 2020, 13.11. – 20.12.2020

The collective exhibition of the Turku Artists’ Association is on display in the Small Gallery of Kunsthalle Turku. All of the members of the association are invited to join the exhibition, representing a wide range of visual arts. During the exhibition, the visitors can vote for the Turku Artists’ Association’s Artist of the Year. WINTER […]